Recap of God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday

Thank you to everyone that participated in the learning event on GWOH Sunday. It was a beautiful morning reflecting on the service that the people of Grace Lutheran have provided and a look at the future and what your Social Action committee has planned for you. The Social Action committee consists of Jamie Evans (chair), Jeff Meyer and Abby Patterson (council reps), Katie Janchel, Susan Hannam, Trish Radke, Kim Nordquist, and Jackie Krough. Please continue to read to learn more and about how to get involved. 

GWOH T-shirts are here! If you ordered a T-shirt you can pick it up in the narthex. All T-shirts are labeled with your name on it. If you didn't order a T-shirt, but would still like one, please let Jamie Evans know as a few extras were ordered and we might have your size. 

Social Action Activities for the rest of 2023

  • Poverty Simulation (Jamie Evans) - November 12 from 1-3:30 p.m. - Grace will be hosting a Community Action Poverty Simulation that helps break down stereotypes by allowing participants to step into the real life situations of others. 

  • Sock & School Supply Drive (Jamie Evans) - September/October - Socks and are collected to help refill the school nurse supplies.

  • Hat and Mitten Drive (Kim Nordquist) - November - Hats and mittens are collected for our local schools.

  • Giving Tree - (Trish Radke) - November/December - Grace members purchase Christmas gifts for 10 plus families from the Crisis Intervention Advocacy Center (CIAC).

  • ELCA  Good Gifts (Katie Jenchel) - December - ELCA Good Gifts is your opportunity to provide critical support to the minutes and programs that mean the most to you and the people you love.

  • Good Samaritan Food Pantry Monthly Donations - The Good Samaritan Food Pantry collects a "Personal Care Item of the Month" and Grace Lutheran Church collects these items to be donated every month. Each month the new item is noted in Grace Notes and at the end of the month they are delivered. 

If you are interested in working on any of these projects please contact the person running the project or Jamie Evans at Thank you for your support of the Social Action Committee.

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24


Giving Tree


ELCA Youth Gathering