Bible Study on 1 John

The epistle (letter) of 1 John is not really a letter. It is more like a testimony expressing the truth of what the writer believes about who Jesus is and how that defines who we are. 1 John is a book of comfort and challenge. As we daily live in the promise of eternal life in Christ Jesus, sharing his love with one another, our faith becomes real, and we experience what it means to “abide in him.” (Book of Faith Leader Guide) As we hear passages from 1 John in worship in April, join us for this 4-week study. We will meet in person on Tuesdays at 9:00 am (4/9 to 4/30) and Wednesdays at 5:45 pm (4/10 to 5/1). An online devotional will also be available each week.

Session 4: How Can We Live – Really?

In this session, we are reminded again that our lives are connected to God through Christ the Son. The water of baptism, the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, and the gift of the Holy Spirit testify to the relationship we have with God in Jesus. Because we are born of God, we live and serve in this world by faith and are assured that we will live eternally.

Focus Statement:  Because we are born of God, we live and serve in this world by faith and are assured that we will live eternally.

In one minute, write down words, phrases, situations, or names of people that best describe the phrase: “SELFLESS LOVE.”

Read: 1 John 5:1-13. Reflect on the following questions: 

  • 1 John speaks a lot to God’s love for us and our love for others. In 1 John 5:3, we hear the phrase, “the love of God is this.” At the time, some people apparently believed that the love of (for) God was primary, and there was no connection between our love for God and the love we show to our siblings in the faith. What is the connection between the love of God for us, our love for God, and the ways we show love to others? How is this related to obeying God’s commandments?

  • How do we experience the life in Christ now, in the present?

Video is available here 1 John Bible Study - Session 4.

Session 3: How Can We Love – Really?

In this session, we explore how the love of God is an action word that renews, enlivens, empowers, and sends us into the world as servants. Even though fear threatens to paralyze us and prevent us from accomplishing acts of service in the name of Jesus, we are encouraged to live and love boldly in the faith that God “first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

Focus Statement:  Our love for others flows from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus. Christ’s love frees us for a life lived in loving service to others.

In one minute, write down words, phrases, situations, or names of people that best describe the phrase: “SELFLESS LOVE.”

Read: 1 John 4:1-21. Reflect on the following questions: 

  • A Lutheran worship service often concludes with the dismissal – words like “Go in peace. Serve the Lord.”  In what ways does the communal experience of Christian worship equip and inspire us individually and as a community of faith to enter into a real and hurting world, which is in need of Christ-like love and service?

  • Where is God’s unconditional and self-sacrificing love needed most in the world? In our community? How might you be an instrument of that love? How about us together as Grace Lutheran?

Video is available here 1 John Bible Study - Session 3.

Session 2: Who are We - Really?

In this session, we explore what it means to be children of God. The answer is based in the relationship between God and Jesus, the Son. Our identity as God’s children flows from God’s love as a gift and frees us to live our lives in a radically new way. Although sin seeks to pull us into lawlessness, we live out our identity as God’s children by loving in truth and action.

Focus Statement:  In Christ, we are the children of God, called to love one another.

In one minute, write down any one-word answers to the question: “Who are we?”

Read 1 John 2:29–3:24. Reflect on the following questions:

  • According to 1 John 3:1, from where does our identity as children of God flow?

  • What does it mean to you to be a child of God?

  • How are we called to live in this promise of being God’s child? (see 3:7, 10, 16, 18, 23-24)

  • In what ways do you live out your faith in words and actions?

Video is available here: 1 John Bible Study - Session 2

Session 1: Who is Jesus - Really? 

Focus statement: When we discover who Jesus is, we better understand who we are

In one minute, write down any one-word answers to the question: "Who is Jesus?"

Read 1 John 1:1—2:2. The text describes the saving work of Jesus and calls us to walk together in the light of Christ's forgiveness. Reflect on your own faith walk with Jesus, and consider how this text connects with your life. Reflect on the following questions. 

  • How have you known and been known by Jesus?

  • Reflect upon a time in your life when you walked in darkness. How did the light of Christ appear? How might you reflect the light of Christ for others?

  • Who is Jesus - really - for you?

Video is available here: 1 John Bible Study - Session 1


Holy Week 2024