About Us

Our mission is to preach, teach and reach
out with the love of God in Jesus Christ. 

We are a Christ-centered community of faith who proclaims God’s abundant and unconditional love and grace for all people and seeks to extend God’s gracious love to others.

Grace is . . .  

  • being welcomed, understood, celebrated, and connected to both God and God’s people

  • feeling a sense of belonging

  • trusting in God's forgiveness and mercy

  • caring deeply for all people

  • seeing everyone as created by God, loved and redeemed by Christ, and equipped by the Holy Spirit to live out God’s mission in our daily lives 

  • seeking to grow, learn, follow, and share the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ with each other and our communities

What is Grace for YOU? Come and see! There is a place for you here!


We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. “The gift of grace expresses God’s unconditional love, and in response to that love, we are set free to live gratefully and lovingly.”

Learn more about the ELCA.

We are located at 23932 Meadow Road, Adel, Iowa 50003.