Learn with Grace

Faith formation is for all ages and in all places

As we seek to learn, grow, follow, and share the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ with each other and our communities, there are many opportunities to learn with Grace.

Christian Education

pre-K to 6th grade

On Wednesday evenings during the school year, kids in pre-K through 6th grade meet weekly to learn about God’s love in Jesus. Christian Education at Grace is centered in teaching God’s Word through storytelling and interactive learning. We also weave service projects and other activities into our time together to learn how our faith is part of our everyday life. Contact Abby Hoffman-Carlson at christianedglc@gmail.com for more information.

Wednesday Night Schedlue

5:15 – 6:00 pm Community Meal

5:35 – 5:50 pm Story & Song Opening

5:55 – 6:25 pm Christian Education for PreK to 6th grades, Bible study

6:35 – 7:20 pm Worship & Holy Communion for all ages

7:30 – 8:30 pm Confirmation for 7th & 8th Grades


Students in 7th & 8th grades meet weekly on Wednesdays at Grace from 7:30 to 8:30 pm to learn about the Bible, Christian faith, and the life of discipleship. Following a two-year rotation between focus on the Bible and focus on Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, we ask questions in a safe place to explore biblical truths, the world’s values, and the kind of life to which Christ invites us and calls us. 

In the fall, 9th grade students meet to integrate their learning and prepare to affirm their baptism in worship. If you would like more information on confirmation or are curious about getting your child involved, please contact Pastor Tania Schramm at pastortania515@gmail.com.

Adult Learning & Bible Study

As adults, we keep learning and growing in Christian faith and discipleship! Every day, we can encounter and engage with God's Word in ways that help us understand ourselves in relationship to God and navigate our complex daily lives. At Grace, learning and Bible study for adults includes Tuesday morning Bible study, Sunday Forum, Wednesdays with Grace conversations, and periodic special topics. 

For more information, visit Adult Learning & Discipleship [link to page] or contact Pastor Tania at pastortania515@gmail.com .