Adel Sweet Corn Festival Parade

In celebration of our 25th anniversary, Grace Lutheran Church decided we wanted to submit an entry in the Adel Sweet Corn Festival parade.  A group of dedicated people formed a committee and we accomplished our goal!  We hope you all enjoyed seeing our Church in the parade and take pride in our commitment to fresh produce for the Adel Good Samaritan Food pantry.  We have shared over 7 tons of produce in the 10 years we have had our garden!

We would like to thank several people for their help on this project.  We worry that we will miss someone, so apologies upfront if we do.  Thank you to the committee - Lisa Crawford, Susan Hannam, Mark Holmes, Kim and Todd Nordquist!  Special Thank you to Curt Crawford, Brian Jensen, Debbie Knoll, Jamie Evans, and Rachael McDaniel for supplying key help/resources to accomplish our goal.  Thank you to Susan Hannam for donating $500 of her Wells Fargo Community Grant money to fund most of our project.  We had help from the congregation in labeling and creating some of our handouts.  Thank you to Tom for coordinating with us on produce that we could use on the float . And finally, special Thank You to our walkers in the parade - Pastor & Dave, Tom, Bill & Beth, Mark & Jody, Todd & Kim, Jeff, Kerri, Rachael, Susan, Nathan & Paige, Tenille and family, Brian & Brandi.

Thank you all for supporting our Outreach efforts in the community!
Lisa and Todd


25th Anniversary Celebration Thank You


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