Sunshine Bags Were a HUGE Hit!

A BIG shoutout to everyone that took part in this year’s “God' Work. Our Hands.” project. We collected yellow items (i.e. starbursts, lemonade, lays chips, popcorn, post-its) that were packed to make a bag of sunshine for our ADM teachers and staff. We were able to put enough bags together and deliver them to our three elementary schools.

We have received many comments of gratitude, and several thank you cards for the Bags of Sunshine. The cards that we have received will be displayed in the entry way.

 A special shout out to the following members that donated extra items for the bags. Kerri Hardy, Susan Hannam, Katie Jenchel, Carole Shepers, Kim and Todd Nordquist, Trish Radke, Ginnie Peters, Beth Shields, Daxton McDaniel, Lila McDaniel, Jackie Krogh, Pastor Tania, Jackie Soloman, Sue Cave, Becky Soffa, Anika Blum, Little Tigers Preschool, Rachael McDaniel, Jeff Meyers, and Jamie Loggins-Evans. All efforts were made to ensure this list was correct and apologize if any errors were made. If your name was left off this list, please let us know and we will be sure to get it added. Thank you!


Pastor Tania’s Installation


TigerFest 2022