“Grow in Grace”
“. . . but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
~ 2 Peter 3:18
Recently, we chose the theme "Grow in Grace" as we celebrated together our 25th anniversary of the charter of our congregation. This verse has been — and still IS — significant to the life and mission and ministry of this community in Christ.
And yet, I wonder what it means for each of us to “grow in grace.”
We trust in the grace of God — in its abundance, freely given to us because of God’s love for us and not because of anything we do.
So, maybe it’s not God's grace that increases, but our awareness of and connectedness to God that deepens and flourishes.
In just a couple of weeks, the 9th grade students will affirm for themselves the baptismal promises made on their behalf at their Affirmation of Baptism in worship. During 9th grade confirmation, I meet with each of these wonderful young people to chat about their lives and interests, their faith, and where those intersect as they live out those promises in their daily lives in high school and beyond.
One theme that has come up in almost all the conversations is their desire to feel connected with God, and that for them, confirmation is a significant step in their faith journey. So, we talk about ways that they can feel connected to God as they live out the five gifts of discipleship — worship, prayer and other spiritual practices, learning, music, service, and more.
The Gifts of Discipleship
The five gifts of discipleship include INNER gifts (live and hear) and OUTER gifts (proclaim, serve, and strive). Each has the potential to deepen our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit provides these gifts with each flowing and overlapping with the others.
God invites us to remember our baptism and practice our faith on a daily basis, in ways that are meaningful to us and use our gifts, and which lead us deeper into our relationship with God.
Live. Worship. Pray. Learn. Care. Serve. Give.
This rhythm is the life of faith and discipleship in our relationship with the one who creates, loves, and saves us. It is a life-long endeavor to explore, nurture, deepen, and live out our faith.
What are ways that help YOU feel connected to God?
How do you “grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus”?
How can we support one another as we follow Jesus Christ?
As we gather in community to hear the word and promises of God and receive the sacraments and then are sent out to love and serve in Jesus’ name through all the different areas of our lives, may God bless us as we grow in grace together!