Koinonia, Connection, and Belonging
In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other. ~ Romans 12:5
At the annual meeting in January, I mentioned that I had recently heard yet another story on the radio about the epidemic in this country of loneliness, isolation, and longing for connection and belonging.
This wasn’t new information.
I’ve heard, as maybe you have, this same story over the past couple of years. You can even do a Google search on “loneliness epidemic” and see the results. Or maybe not…
Our feelings of isolation and social disconnection were exacerbated by the pandemic. Even though we are not required to be socially distant from one another any more, many of us – myself included – have struggled to re-connect in meaningful ways with people and groups that we care about.
We need connection, belonging, and each other. Community.
Not only to help each other follow Jesus and serve our neighbors in love, but to care for one another as members of the body of Christ.
The Greek word for this connection and sense of belonging in Christian community is “koinónia” (koy-nohn-EE-ah).
Koinonia is more than seeing people at worship, more than serving alongside each other in various ways, more than conversation at fellowship.
It is the deep, intimate fellowship and communal participation among believers, as well as their shared relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It encompasses the idea of sharing in spiritual blessings, mutual support, and active partnership in the faith. This term is often used to describe the unity and community life of the early church, emphasizing the believers' common bond in Christ. (from Strong’s Greek lexicon).
Nurturing and deepening koinonia — our connections to each other and this sense belonging in Christian community – at Grace is one of my goals for 2025.
Here are some ideas:
Use the new congregation directory to call or text and check in with a friend from Grace. Take a moment (or more) to connect and have a conversation. Another way to use the new Grace congregation directory is to "pray through the directory" – see the prayer list below.
Find ways to gather in person to listen to each other’s stories, joys, and concerns. Open up and share something vulnerable about yourself. Join the Bible study or book club. Start meeting for coffee or lunch.
Look for opportunities to connect with others at Grace, especially those who have something in common, like meeting up as people in your neighborhood, parents of young children, empty nesters, teachers or those in the medical field, people who love to bike or knit or garden. Maybe even join a committee!
The Community Life ministry helps to facilitate connection and belonging through special events and weekly fellowship on Sunday morning (brunch is at 10:00 am) and Wednesday night meals, which are always open to everyone. Starting this weekend, there will be “table talk” cards that you can use to start and deepen conversation, and on February 23, there will be a Sunday Forum after worship on the topic of belonging and connection in this community.
What ideas do you have? I’d love to hear your thoughts and am praying for you to experience koinonia here with Grace.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash